On-Job-Training program is a lately featured program in many
companies and organizations, where the candidates have the
opportunity of exposure to a real-time work environment. Everything
they learn is established proceeding hands-on work experience. The
candidates are often mentored, guided appropriately during improbable
scenarios by the trainers / developers. Initial coaching will be
provided to the candidates until they gain some idea about the
working knowledge. They are also asked to work under an experienced
developer in the beginning to gather familiarity on how the industry
are various steps involved in an OJT program. Generally, it commences
with the agenda of coaching the new trainees. It’s a one-on-one
process dealing with all the briefing about the work, the processes
and responsibilities that needs to be handled. Further, the personal
skill-sets are analysed for their particulars of weaknesses and
strengths. Soon after, the candidates will be mentored on their roles
assigned to them. They enhance the skill-sets and other areas that
might have been overlooked during the coaching. Feedbacks and
appropriate guidance are furnished, respective of the individuals’
performance during the program.
there’s the introduction to the corporate communication for every
trainee, where they shall be introduced to the formal ways of
communication in the work place. After which, the Job Instructional
Technique is introduced emphasizing the suitable operational features
and benefits of the practices employed in the organization. This JIT
mostly involves the current, on-going transitions and preferences
based on which the employees have to perform for the organization. In
addition, if there’s any requirement for the Job Rotation in the
process, then it’s implemented. Here, the candidates’ role(s)
will be changed periodically to understand the organizations’
over-all working procedures, before they choose their niche
the candidates are refined for the final assessment where the company
makes the cut. Only the ones who endures all these procedures an
comes out viable are the ones retained by the company. Other
candidates, who apparently didn’t do well in the training period,
are released from the organization, as per the clause, once the
training is completed. This is way how the On-Job Training program
works in any organization. Surely, this program benefits almost every
candidate, even though there is a possibility of being unconfined
once the program is concluded. Because, the candidate will do have
the experience gained for during the program that will be a
competitive advantage over the other freshers’ and job seekers in
the Job market.
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